Sleep / Lunch Break (Qailulah): Healthy And Sunnah

Kebiaasaan might we do this is the sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, God willing we will be rewarded if we meniatkannya. As if the mere habit it is not rewarding. This is the importance of science, if we do not know this, then we are merely napping -mata of habit and not be rewarded.
In addition to sleep / rest during (qailulah) also includes a healthy habit as long as it is not excessive, will refresh the body and helps us to wake up the night prayer.
Qailulah not have to sleep, including a lunch break qailulah
In Arabic Dictionary Lisanul described qailulah meaning in language,
القيلولة نومة نصف النهار
"Qailulah is sleeping in mid-afternoon" [1]
Because translated qailulah with "nap" so many who thought qailulah should have to sleep. True, qailulah not necessarily have to sleep, rest during the day is included qailulah.
Ash-San'ani rahimahullah said,
والقيلولة: الاستراحة نصف النهار, وإن لم يكن معها نوم
"Qailulah is a break in the middle of the afternoon, although not sleep." [2]
When is it Time qailulah
There is a time when scholars deviation qailulah, whether before midday or after midday or both.
Syarbini rahimahullah said,
هي النوم قبل الزوال
"Sleep before zawal (dzhur time)"
Al-Munawi rahimahullah said,
القيلولة: النوم وسط النهار عند الزوال وما قاربه من قبل أو بعد
"Qailulah was sleeping in the middle of the afternoon when zawal or near the time of zawal before or since."
Al-Badri Al-Aini said,
القيلولة معناها النوم في الظهيرة
"Qailulah meaning: sleep at dhuzur (billowy noon)." [3]
And it rajih is qailulah time after zawal (midday) as hadith.
عن سهل بن سعد رضي الله عنه قال: ما كنا نقيل ولا نتغذى إلا بعد الجمعة في عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. واللفظ لمسلم.
Sahl bin Sa'd of something from 'anhu said,
"Our (former) is not doing qailulah and eat except after Friday prayers at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." [4]
Anas bin Malik something from 'anhu said,
كانوا يجمعون ثم يقيلون
"They (the Companions) used to perform the Friday prayers, then lunch break (qailulah)." [5]
Sunnah qailulah
Napping is mentioned in the Qur'an. Allaah says,
ومن آياته منامكم بالليل والنهار وابتغاؤكم من فضله إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يسمعون
"And among His signs is your sleep him at night and during the day, and your seeking of the bounty-Lo! In this is truly there are signs for a people who listen" (Ar-Rum: 23 )
Likewise, commanded by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said,
قيلوا فإن الشياطين لا تقيل
"Qailulah-lah (sianglah break) you, the real demons never nap." [6]
Likewise, the actions of the companions.
ربما قعد على باب ابن مسعود رجال من قريش, فإذا فاء الفيء قال: قوموا فما بقي فهو للشيطان. ثم لا يمر على أحد إلا أقامه
"Once upon a time there were people of Quraish were sitting in front of the door Ibn Mas'ud. When midday, Ibn Mas'ud said, "Get up you (for the lunch break), that remains is part of the devil." Then it is not passing one except Umar told him to get up. " [7]
In another narration,
كان عمر z يمر بنا نصف النهار -أو قريبا منه - فيقول: قوموا فقيلوا, فما بقي فللشيطان
"Historically, 'Umar when passing us in the middle of the day or close to noon saying," Get up you guys! Sianglah break! What remains to be a part of Satan. " [8]
Al-khalal said,
قال الخلال استحباب القائلة نصف النهار قال عبد الله كان أبي ينام نصف النهار شتاء كان أو صيفا لا يدعها
"Disunnahkan qailulah in mid-afternoon, Abdullah (bin Ahmad) said," My father was napping in the summer and cold, he did not leave. " [9]
The benefits of napping
Naps are very useful and feels for those who are accustomed to. Feel fresh if waking from a nap that although briefly but quality.
Here's a nap for health benefits:
1. Improve memory A 2008 study found that during a 45-minute nap can help improve memory. This increase occurred in a phase of slow-wave sleep or short-wave sleep, as usually happens when a nap.
Increased brain activity during sleep is also believed to be beneficial to learn a foreign language. Words or new terms will be easier to remember if often played while sleeping.
2. Improving productivity Nap can protect the brain from the information processing that occurs in excess and help consolidate the newly learned information. This in turn will increase concentration and productivity in the workplace. In fact, previous studies find a nap can lower blood pressure.
3. Treating insomnia Research has found that people who nap for 15 minutes to feel more alert and less sleepy, even when the lack of sleep the previous night.
The effect can indeed vary in each individual, but a study in 2011 confirms a nap makes insomniacs become more fit for the total downtime is becoming longer.
4. Reduce stress Want to cut as much as half the stress hormone cortisol? Research shows that stress hormones dramatically decreased after a nap, especially if overnight sleep less soundly.
A German study found that when a group of pilots slept less than 7 hours overnight before serving, cortisol levels increased significantly and last for 2 days. But when successfully nap for a while, cortisol levels decreased by half.
5. Preventing heart disease Short nap for 20-40 minutes can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. This conclusion is based on research conducted by researchers Greece.
Researchers found that people who are at least 30-minute nap for 3 times a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 37 percent. According to this study, healthy nap should be between 1-3 o'clock noon for no more than 45 minutes. If excess, it causes woke up with 'heavy head'. [10]
Thus, may be useful.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat, sallallaahu wa 'ala Muhammad wa Alihi' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa sallam.
Pogung Lor- Jogja, 13 Jumadal Awwal 1434 H
Authors: dr. Raehanul Bahraen

[1] Lisanul Arab 11/557, Dar Shadir, Beirut, cet.III, 1414 H, syamilah
[2] Subulus Greetings 1/398, Darul Hadith, syamilah
[4] muttafaq upon, Muslim lafadz
[5] HR. Al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex no.1240, said Al-Imam Al-Albani in Saheeh al-t Adabil simplex no. 939: shahihul isnads
[6] HR. Abu Nu'aim in Ath-Tibb, said Al-Imam Al-Albani in Ash-Shahihah no. 1637: its isnad authentic
[7] HR. Al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex no.1238, said Al-Imam Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Adabil simplex no. 939: Hasanul isnad)
[8] HR. Al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex no.1239, said Al-Imam Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Adabil simplex no. 939: Hasanul isnad)
[9] Al-Adab ash-Syar'iyyah wal Minahil mar'iyyah case 161, source:


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