Just a couple of short thoughts and reminders:
TaqabbAllaahu minna wa minkum.
Just a couple of short thoughts and reminders:
1. We went out one Eid with Sufyân Al-Thawrî and he said, “The first thing we will do on this day of ours is to lower our gaze.” [Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, Kitab Al-Wara’ article 66]
It is reported that Hassan bin Abi Sinan rahimahullaah went out one Eid and when he returned home his wife said, “How many beautiful women have you looked at today?” After she kept asking him, he said, “Woe to you! I have looked at nothing but my toe from when I went out to when I returned to you.” [Ibn Abi al-Dunya, Kitab Al-Wara’ article 68]
So sisters, dress appropriately. I know
its Eid and we all like to dress up, but make sure to stay well within
your boundaries. And brothers.. follow the above sunnah and lower your
One has to wonder.. how many of us have
come out of Ramadan with a clean or even a partially clean slate? How
many of us have bettered our `ibaadah? How many of us have purified our
hearts? How many of us have been written from amongst the Siddiqeen, and
to be from amongst those to enter Jannah? How many of us have been
saved from Hell?
You have to ask yourself: